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City of Waukesha, WI
The City of Waukesha, WI is an award winning, growing community located along the shores of the Fox River, 15 miles west of Milwaukee. As the seventh largest City in the state with close to 72,000 people, Waukesha is the manufacturing hub of Waukesha County and home to many of the area's largest employers. The City strives to provide a diversified work environment, balanced housing stock and strong business opportunities. The City has a thriving historic downtown boasting concerts, a farmer's market, scenic  Riverwalk and festivals. The location on the  river, historic buildings, and strong artist culture all contribute to the unique character of the City. Waukesha also includes great neighborhoods, excellent schools, and an award winning park system with recreation programs for the whole family.


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waukeshawi-gov02b.mail.protection.outlook.com. Domains
dns.uw-mad.wiscnet.net. 792 Domains
dns.uw-mil.wiscnet.net. 792 Domains